The Organisation started in 2018 and the founder, the C.E.O., is thankful, that

it still exists and thrives, despite all the challenges. The law is true and kind! Thank you, for your inactive support, but listening and prayers, can make all the difference, in order for the Organisation, to blossom and make the difference! Never knew, that the harsh attacks, had to be subdued, but it also, make me realise, that in hardships, you still have to be true and kind. In order to be right with God, you have to be true and some branches, will be pruned (and thrown in the fire), in order to grow a bigger tree, that leads the ship. To be faithful on a small ship, can also promote the Crown, on a bigger ship. Code Red, is the heavenly Gate and the highest Authority and therefore, it is not allowed, to mistreat or to disrespect her dignity and the Organisation, defended by Word and Laws (Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht).
Finally, I want to thank God (Sweet Water) for not leaving and supporting the Ministry, that actually, demands accepting Jesus, as their Lord and Saviour and change by the Spirit of God!
'Happy 6th Anniversary, New Dawn Europe!' - Ms. Hanna - C.E.O. St. New Dawn Europe