A great believing, but not that wealthy, Nation of God!

Poland is a Nation inspired and a strong and clear nation, about the Righteousness of God. There are not more than fifteen Evangelical Churches, but their faith is strong and believing. They just need the right ideas, to bring the Nation to another level, with a few brilliant people!
With a background of Communism and many losses in wars, they overcame and nowadays, they take their place in an international context.
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Europe has a long History of Religion and Poverty. It took a lot of years for Europe, to become an equal for Continents, as the USA and Australia! The Churches can be renewed and will accept the Grace and Mercy of God, which they need for the forgiveness of sins, and it is possible, to become a new creation, with a new and fresh Vision!
Follow New Dawn Europe on Social Media, for the best is yet to come.